Make-up and Visual Arts

Dimitris Filios


”Extraordinariness in terms of beauty and perspective can be found anywhere”.

From his early youth, Dimitris was ambitious to get involved in arts and their respective sections; a life-lasting course of actions initiated during his school life until this day. During this period, his curiosity for art and its applications, resulted widely in interaction with a variety of materials and getting accustomed with different appliances.

Sketching, as his starting point, along with sculpting and crafts, conquered the leading role for his further development in both artistic skills as well as his character.

In mid 20’s he graduated both “Faculty of Graphic Arts and Design” and “Make up & Special Effects” Moving forward, he kept improving his skills and knowledge in Visual Arts participating in a variety of seminars, competitions and thematic exhibitions, creating and presenting his own projects and ideas. Parallel with it, Dimitris acquired working experience both in TV, as make-up artist, and beauty products retail.

Nowadays, Dimitris is a freelance artist, missing no opportunity to produce and create unique projects.

Facebook: @makeupandvisualarts 
Instagram: @filios_dimitris