

4M Studios uses a cost-effective approach to produce precise 3D models via 3D scanning. We use the later Lidar model from Intel, L515 Intel Realsense.

This Lidar camera provides very precise scans, and can be also used for motion detection, which we are going to implement in our next projects.

We performed many tests, on items, rooms, and humans. From constant improvement on our software algorithm, we are able to combine the precision of the camera, with high-resolution textures to produce positive results.

Our team uses currently RecFusion scanning software, which works very well with IntelRealense Lidar camera. We obtain the first 3D scan, and then we import it to Blender Software.

The 3D scan provides low quality in details, but very high texture resolution. This makes the 3D model too big, quite extensive in size, but also not very “realistic” in texture quality.

In order to deal with the aforementioned obstacle, we reduced the high texture resolution and applied from our engine higher texture quality. Such actions were able to reduce significantly the size of the model, but also provide much more realistic texture quality.

We constantly Improve, Learn and Move Forward.
