Ariadne, of the Malefic Arachnids

“Loneliness and despair, easy prey to corrupt
darkness dressed in light, fooled the eyes of the youth
soon to be lost, in dreams and nightmares for years to come.
Fool you not, she knows but its better to forget,
until the nightmare, seeded looking more lives to corrupt.

A mother now, left behind, exiled from all the other world
with hatred and sadness, scared for days to come, with fake love.
No sensations, no feelings only hope to fail no more,
her daughters, the only reason to still breathe and live,
avoiding to see how her fate will come to be.

Older now, healthy kids, a mother's pride 
but happiness is not to be found, but only fear growing deep.
Darkness was bound to those damned seeds.
They look corrupted, they look cursed, 
So much hunger to be fed.

Sickness upon her weak old bones, looking worse day by day,
the hunger grows, their teeth are sharp, desire for flesh and blood.
Creatures not from light but the dark.
Their mother sweet, their mother warm, better now she is gone.
All the feelings that were cold, not a bone left, all gone. 

Dreadful night, exiled from home, like their mother long ago,
scared and lone, the sisters hide, away from every eye.
But the time has come, the hunger is back,
need to feed, to find more flesh to prey upon.
Three poor kids, lost in world, need to find something warm. 
The years have have passed, woman now at last,
her prey she finds,
and then she hides,
Sweetest voice, and charming smile
her victim's last deadly sight, "

Empress of Shadow Dragons


The Oracle