

“Walking barefoot, under the cloudy morning, observing carefully everything around her. The ground gives already its humid scent, animals start seeking shelter to their nests while the first lightnings appear.

She has seen far more cosmogonic events, extraordinary and magnificent. Galaxies to form, stars to be born and die, giving motion to new elements and galactical structures.

And yet, this was far more beautiful. Was unique..

She didn't grasp why yet.. what makes it so special.. The colors.. no, its not that.. Universe gives a whole spectrum of colors, that none artist can even provide in an illustration..

Was it the planet? Perhaps.. this planet is a rare one.. and unique in a sense..

But what makes it unique...? Perhaps its LIFE itself that makes everything so special..

The first rain-drops start falling...
Her abstract form stays the same... she doesn't want to be one with the rain..

But instead she wants to feel it. Feel it like every creature does. Feel the cold breeze to her wet skin, feel the "need" to seek shelter too..

That's it..

Life... being alive is, being simple but yet so complicated is unique.. being Immortal, being Aetherial is like an emptiness, the same nothingness she was created from..

But yet... "feeling" makes everything so unique.. being "unimportant". "limited" and "fragile" gives meaning in everything.. Gives values to everything...

And she understood it first... thus she is Primis..”


"Tender Delusions"